Issue Position: Health

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

I understand the need to make medical care more affordable for families and increase the access to quality coverage in this county. However, Obamacare does not accomplish that goal; in fact it makes it worse. Once fully implemented it will cost more than $2 trillion, raise taxes by $800 billion and add over $700 billion to the deficit. Additionally, it does nothing to address the core issues behind rising health care costs. We need to work together in a bipartisan and open manner to increase Ohioans access to health insurance while removing the burden on taxpayers and small business.

Here are some of my ideas for things I would like to see included in any new healthcare reform:

If you like your current health care plan, you should be able to keep it.
Make healthcare coverage patient-owned and portable across state lines, job to job.
Doctors and their patients should be the only ones making critical and sensitive health care decisions, not government bureaucrats.
Coverage of pre-existing conditions.
Protect and expand health saving accounts.
Decrease frivolous lawsuits that cause doctors to practice defensive medicine which increase costs.
Patients should be able to keep their current doctors and not forced to choose new medical providers.
